Bank Of International Settlements. The Bank for International Settlements (or BIS) is an international organization of central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial The plan was agreed in August of that year at a conference at the Hague, and a charter for the bank was drafted at the International Bankers. The BIS has assisted * and continues to assist * the pursuit of global monetary and financial stability in two main ways: by.
The BIS has assisted * and continues to assist * the pursuit of global monetary and financial stability in two main ways: by.
Its clientele comprises central banks of its member countries, but it does not hold current accounts for individuals and governments.
The Bank for International Settlements (or BIS) is an international organization of central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial The plan was agreed in August of that year at a conference at the Hague, and a charter for the bank was drafted at the International Bankers. The Bank for International Settlements is often called the "central bank for central banks" because it provides banking services to institutions such as the European Central Bank and Federal Reserve. These services include conducting gold and currency transactions, as well as making short-term.